Monday, 4 November 2013

Charcoal Drawing

This is my tonal value work for Drawing Fundamentals. This work is done with just charcoal. There are different sizes of charcoal. For this work, i used the medium-sized charcoal mainly because it was the most suitable to draw the eye. I started using and experimenting charcoal when i entered NAFA and it soon became my favourite medium. Along the way, i learnt that you can blend the charcoal using blending paper stumps, cotton pads and tissue. However, i am more comfortable with using my fingers to blend because it is easier to control the charcoal as compared to using blending paper stumps, cotton pads or tissue. I learned how to use charcoal by watching this video that gives us tips on charcoal drawing. I love using charcoal because it is easy to handle and it shows a really beautiful outcome when your work is done. I prefer using charcoal than normal pencil because pencil takes up a lot of time as compared to charcoal and the effect is amazing. This work that i have done was inspired by art-related videos that i watched on Youtube. Even though charcoal is a beautiful medium, the bad part about using it is, your hands will get dirty and you have to spray fixative over your work when you are done so that your work won't smudge everywhere. 

  Creative Commons License
Charcoal Drawing by Afiqah is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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