Friday 1 November 2013

Still Life Painting

Creative Commons License
Still life painting of fruits is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

This is a still life painting of a capsicum, apple and avocado under strong spotlight. The painting is done in acrylic using warm colours only. I chose these 3 fruits because of its shape (capsicum have interesting shape) and texture (avocado have interesting texture). Apple will be a good choice to start with / for beginner because it has fairly much simpler shape and texture. Still life painting is a good way to practice tonal value as well as mixing correct shades. It is advisable to mix the shades of colours before starting to apply on the paper so that mistake can be minimise and also prevent building up too many layers of paint. I like painting still life objects because it is easier to capture the realism of the painting like a picture as well as it serves as a very good painting practice for me. Still life painting can be painting of any still objects need not be fruits. In this link, How to paint still life it is a good website to read up more about painting still life and how to get started. Still life painting need not to be boring you can paint interesting shaped objects or paint interesting textures to add fun to still life painting. Get your brushes and paints ready!

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